CYBERDADDY - the generation NETMUSIC


I am NO American but - in the wake of that horrific attack on the US on Sept. 11, 2001, I am both saddened that people have suffered so, and outraged that there are those in the world who would perpetuate such suffering. However, I am also disturbed by the calls from so many of my american friends to eliminate all people of the Middle East! I have a deep and abiding respect for the people who live in that part of the world. I want to reach out as one person who recognizes that the overwhelming majority of people in the Middle East are decent, peaceful, generous people who love their families and friends as much as I love mine. This is why I have decided to create this song - maybe through the sharing of music, people from all over the world can find the peace and brotherhood that seems to elude our selfish and immature "leaders." Let us talk with music...

Finally I welcome You to be my guest and share the varieties of my cyber identities...

This is the music that rocks the TRANCEHOUSE...